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Parlott Chocolatier

Assorted Chocolate Truffles / Ovo Com Trufas Sortidas

Assorted Chocolate Truffles / Ovo Com Trufas Sortidas

Regular price $105.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $105.00 USD
Sale Sold out

English: Indulge in a divine assortment of chocolate truffles with our Half Egg Assorted Chocolate Truffles. Each bite offers a unique taste, from the tangy passion fruit to the smooth milk chocolate, creamy coconut, white chocolate, and intense dark chocolate. It's a chocolate lover's dream come true.

Portuguese: Meio Ovo com Trufas Sortidas, cada mordida oferece um sabor único, do maracujá azedo ao chocolate ao leite suave, coco cremoso, chocolate branco e chocolate amargo intenso. É o sonho de todo amante de chocolate tornado realidade.

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